Destruction of America

Monday, December 24, 2007

Destruction of Christianity and the Western World


1. GPS in cars, cell phones, etc. Anti-Christ knows where you are. (Tom Tom, On star)
2. Microphones in your phones, computers, etc. Anti-Christ can hear your conversations.
3. Cameras on traffic signals, stores, cell phones, your PCs even school bathrooms. He can see you.
4. RFID chips in the new upcoming National ID card, passports, in your pets ear, soon in clothing, and eventually in your children (for their protection from predators is the selling point). This chip has all of your personal information (bank account, social security birth date, phone number address, etc.) . There are readers in grocery stores, schools, in the highways, and hand held devices. (Hackers can easily steel your identity).
5. North American Union, (Amero), European Union, (Euro), eventually Asia Union, etc... The Globalist (or New World Order, etc.) wants to control you, your money, and your local governments. Eventually into a one world government, one world money system, and a one world religion. A cashless society which they can control. If you don't take the mark of the beast, you won't be able to buy food, clothing, etc. and can't sell. Because your credit card like money will be invalid.
6. The Patriot Act I and II, which was the result of the 9-11 attacks, have taken our rights away such as "the right to remain silent...", and "innocent until proven guilty" by Federal or CIA officials. Soon to be by local (Not sure of the full details). Congress passed these bills even though they were not allowed to read most it. Big Brother is in the process of destroying our Constitution.
a) 2ND Amendment: Right to bear arms. Anti-Christ says guns are evil and a good citizen should give up their guns for the greater good. (Or so it will be easier to enslave the USA)
7. Forced shots. (like on young girls in Texas to prevent Serbia Cancer) To prevent other diseases such as H5N1 Bird Flu, etc. Long Term effects may cause more harm than good, even death. (The Globalist want to kill you because there is too many people in the world using up the resources).
8. Schools not teaching American history, Constitution, Jesus, etc. But instead allowing Harry Potter, gay pride day, Muslim character dress up day, sensitivity training, rebellion against parents...
9. If you don't take the mark, woe is you if your child's appendix burst, or if her arm turns gang green because it is broken and you don't first aid. Or you need a root canal or medicine.
10. Electra Magnetic Pulse (EMP) can wipe out all electronics in America and make us a 3rd world country overnight. Your cars will die, phones won't work, no electric, no heat, no water pumped to your house anymore, grocery stores will be raided, generators and portable radios will be broken. 100 or so years ago people knew how to grow their own food, pump water or dig wells, make clothing, perform first aid, heat their homes, build their homes, etc. YOU MAY BE SOON FORCED THIS WAY! WILL YOU AND YOUR CHILDREN SURVIVE? (fat, lazy, uneducated in important issues, man fearing, entertainment addicted Christians).
11. Governments all over America are losing money because the dollar is collapsing. Baseball fields are being sold, turnpikes are up for sale or being turned into toll roads, US gov't pays millions of dollars in interest. We owe billions to China and can't pay them. We give them and other countries land as collateral (state parks, etc.). Eminent domain is created to take your property when they want to. All the good paying jobs are going to Mexico or China. (Hershey recently) NAFTA is not our friend but friend to the Globalist leaders (Masons, Illuminati, New Word Order, Skull & Bones, Free Trade Commission, etc.). Don't trust any politician or large business owners. Money is their god and you don't matter to them.
12 Genetic altering of our food. Contaminated food. Fluoride in the water. The general population don't know how to grow their own food anymore. Nor can they store it. They don't have water pumps to pump their own water anymore. When the depression hits and their is food shortages, many will take the mark of the beast in order to feed their families.